Located just 40 minutes from Stockholm and in the same neighbourhood as the famous Gripsholm Castle in Mariefred.


avant byggnad

Avant Display is selling and manufacturing POS & Display products to retailers all over the world since 1945.


These are our key people, they have been in the company for a long time and are familiar with all of our products and the functioning of our company.

Per Hultberg

Pontus Hultberg

Lotta Nilsson

Christer Skogsmo

Andreas Malmgren

Joakim Falck

Erika Nordström

Tapio Aho

Anoop Goyal

An idea that has lasted for generations

AB Avant was founded in 1945 by the entrepreneur and inventor Åke Hultberg. The company consisted of a mechanical workshop, a plate factory and a sales department for advertising articles. AB Avant had 35 employees.

Toward the end of the 50's, Åke Hultberg wanted to concentrate on advertising. He sold the mechanical workshop and the plate factory to the employees.This resulted in three new companies; Avant Mekaniska Verkstad, I-skylt and AB Avant (presently Avant Display), which was a downright advertising company.

Åke Hultberg was a far-sighted person. In those days the provision merchants served people manually. Less time was spent on exposing the merchandise. The idea of self-service came from the USA. This meant that information about prices and goods had to hang close to exposed goods, preferably above, so that the customers had easy access to the message.

For this kind of displaying the decorators used a thin nylon thread that was attached to the plate and the ceiling. A time-consuming job!
Times changed and now it was up to the salesmen to do the advertising-jobs in the stores. Suddenly the time factor became important. Everything had to happen fast. Super-fast, like a jet plane, according to Åke Hultberg. Suddenly the registered trademark Jet-Snabb was born!

In the beginning, Jet-Snabb was considered clumsy and expensive. But Åke Hultberg believed in his idea and paid for a universal patent at the end of the 60's. Today one third of AB Avant's turnover consists of Jet-Snabb.

In 1993 my father Åke Hultberg died at the age of 80. He worked until the very end and because of his advanced age the company was suffering, and therefore began to lose its market position. Nevertheless, I still saw that there was potential in the company and that it was a challenge that I could make something of it. In 1995 I solved out my three siblings from Avant and became the sole owner.

With delight and responsible work, along with a talented staff, for example Christer (order/ buyer) who has worked at Avant for over 30 years, with three generations in the family, we built new, more efficient machines. We cleared away old products and streamlined operations. With these changes customers started coming back to us. In 2005 we moved into our newly renovated property in Läggesta.
Here we have good communications, close to the E20 highway and train station. It is only 65 km from Stockholm.
We have access to 11,000 sqm land that allows us to expand the factory further if necessary.

2010 Avant Display turned 65 years, this was celebrated in particular by launching our fourth restructuring and improvement of the website/webshop. The website is in English and the customer/retailer may receive login information to see their own prices in SEK or EUR.

With joy and pride I now look forward to one of my sons, Pontus Hultberg, the third generation in the company, taking over as CEO.
He has now worked in the firm for over four years. Along with a solid educational background towards an MBA at Stockholm University with focus on business accounting, corporate finance, also education and work as an IT technician, I think that the company will greatly benefit from this expertise in a business world that is becoming even more demanding.

We have also recently established an active working board, who will work for that Avant Display's continuing development in innovative ideas and act in good entrepreneurship.
My future role of Avant Display will mainly be a case of "coaching", be a sort of sounding board for both my own staff and to our customers, listen to the their needs and desires.

I look forward with joy and great optimism to an interesting and exciting future.

Welcome all new and old customers!

Owner Per Hultberg